Maksim pics

Monday, November 16, 2009

Andrew's translations

If you want you can go check out Andrew's translations of MakSim's songs at


Monday, July 27, 2009

Its been a while...

Well, its been quite a while since i've posted be honest i had kind of given up on this whole maksim thing because my new site didnt work out. However, i see that this site has gotten somewhat popular on google and ive been getting quite a few visitors. So, this message is to all of you visitors. If you have any requests, if you want to know anything about maksim, or if you simply wanna give your opinion and write your own articles on this site, you can contact me personally via the box at the bottom of this page or just type in the chatbox.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Moj Raj (My Eden), english lyrics and translation.

"My Eden"

1st verse:

It seems that's what my Eden is -
---[Naverno, eto moy ray -]
To look for his reflection
---[Iskat' ego otrazhen'e]
In pieces of sand color,
---[V predmetah chernogo tsveta,]
To find out May's faint notes in a voice.
---[I slishat' v golose may.]

It seems that's what my Eden is -
---[Naverno, eto moy ray -]
Is beams of daylight in a window
---[V luchah okonnogo sveta]
The sky feels just so close,
---[Tak blizko kazhetsia nebo,]
Whenever eyes are full of Eden...
---[Kogda glaza tsveta ray...]


So that's fine he isn't aware of someone like me,
---[I horosho, chto on ne znaet pro takuyu kak ya,]
Of winter being just vanilla snowflakes in my dreams.
---[I chto v mechtah moih vanil'nie snechinki - zima.]
And just snowstorms and eternal ice are under bare soles.
---[A pod shagami bosonogimi meteli i liod.]
He will never abandon my intentions anymore.
---[On bol'she nikogda iz misley moih ne uydet.]

And I could find no reasons not to exclaim That Is The Very Love!!!
---[I mne ne stidno zakrichat o tom, Chto Eto Lubov'!!!]
His words just burnt my heart and blood down to ashes for a moment.
---[Ego slova na tri minuti tak prozhgli moyu krov'.]
I keep convincing myself that everything is fine,
---[Ya prodolzhau povtoriat' sebe, chto vse horosho,]
But I realize I need him, once more.
---[No ponimayu, on mne nuzhen, nuzhen esche.]

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Den Pobedi english translation

For those who are curious to know the English meaning behind the beautiful song Den Pobedi, here it is, courtesy of wikipedia :D :

Victory Day, how far was it from us
Like an ember dwindled in the faded fire.
Versts were there, burnt and dusted, —
We did all we could for hastening this day.
(The verst is a defunct Russian unit of length and equals 1.067 km)


This Victory Day
Saturated with the smell of gunpowder,
This is a holiday
With gray hairs on temples,
This is joy
With tears in our eyes,

Victory Day!

Victory Day!

Victory Day!

Days and nights at open-hearth furnaces
Our Motherland spent, sleepless.
Days and nights we fought a hard battle,
We did all we could for hastening this day.


Salute to you Mother, not all of us came back...
Wish to run about barefoot in dew!
Half of Europe, we have stridden half of Earth,
We did all we could for hastening this day.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A little on Maksim and a lot on День Победы

Official return onscreen of Maksim will apparently occur this summer. In fact, according to source this will occur precisely on June 5, 2009. She will appear on MUZA- TV, where she will sing Ne Otdam!!! (YAY FOR ME)
But thus far, Marina is more preoccupied dealing with her daughter, who, may I remind you was born on March 8, 2009. The cute little thing is almost two months old now and not a single picture yet released by the periodicals.

Speaking of may 8th...The day after (Saturday may 9th) is as you all know DEN POBEDI, THE DAY OF VICTORY, where the Russian army overtook Hitler and chased him away (well...actually, technically, it was a treaty signed by Stalin and Hitler but...oh well...its still День Победы...). День Победы (Den pobedi) translates to THE DAY OF VICTORY. In fact, it all happened on a dark and stormy night...In March 1975. Poet Vladimir Kharitonov, ex-war veteran, approached his traditional co-author, the young composer David Tukhmanov with a proposal to write a new song for the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Soviet victory in the WWII.

The song composed by Tukhmanov and Kharitonov was originally reject by the jury. HOWEVER, AMAZING SINGER LEV LECHENKO premiered it during his concert in Alma-Ata in late April where it received CRITICAL ACCLAIM!
Ever since, the song has been played on every 9th of may and is recognized as THE song commemorating the victory in 1945.


Here are a few quotes:

Vladimir Shainsky, veteran composer: "the song seemed to have turned back the time. Although written three decades after the war, it now seems that it was this song that helped us to gain the victory". I ABSOLUTELY CONCUR!

Leonid Brezhnev, Soviet leader: "folks would sing this tune for many years after you and I are gone". He said to Kharitonov.

It is even a hit in America!:
American researcher David MacFadyen: "this powerful song draws not upon the bravery of youthful soldiers but the private memories of aging, graying veterans. Its poignant combination of joy at a stunning victory and sadness at great loss sounds just as relevant today, when the war itself is something about which many young Russians neither know nor care".

Without further ado...the 1975 hit...DEN POBEDI:


Den' Pobedy, kak on byl ot nas dalyok,
Kak v kostre potukhshem tayal ugolyok.
Byli vyorsty, obgorelye, v pyli —
Etot den' my priblizhali kak mogli.


Etot Den' Pobedy
Porokhom propakh,
Eto prazdnik,
S sedinoyu na viskakh.
Eto radost'
So slezami na glazakh.

Den' Pobedy!

Den' Pobedy!

Den' Pobedy!

Dni i nochi u martenovskikh pechey,
Ne smykala nasha Rodina ochey.
Dni i nochi bitvu trudnuyu veli, —
Etot den' my priblizhali kak mogli.


Zdravstvuy, mama, vozvratilis' my ne vse,
Bosikom by probezhat'sya po rose!
Pol-Yevropy proshagali, pol-Zemli —
Etot den' my priblizhali kak mogli.

Chorus x 2

Sunday, April 19, 2009

More news

Maksim apparently (according to got 2 nominations at the yearly national musical television reward Муз-ТВ (MUZA- TV) 2009. «Лучшая исполнительница» which translates to best executor, and «Лучшая песня» which I'm guessing is best video or something...I really don't know for sure but it was for her song «Научусь летать» (Nauchus Letat) which, by the way, you can listen to on this site (at the bottom on the music player :D).

Another point, according to a reliable source, apparently Maksim believes her daughter resembles more her father than her mother (honestly, I personally don't know how you can tell the difference at this stage...) which she confessed in an interview. In fact, on the 15th of April, "Vadim Voronov, Alice Seleznev and Sergey Melnikov in no way could believe appearance in the studio of that day's guest speaker!" (Who was of course Maksim). Alice even asked: «Как тебе удается так хорошо выглядеть, спустя всего месяц после рождения дочки? Совсем ничего не ешь?»...haha got you there ;) don't read Russian, do you?
Well, it translates to: "Only month after giving birth to your daughter, how is it that you can already appear on air and look so good? Do you starve yourself? How do you look so good?”
(Thank God for Google translator and my patience and skill to decipher the translation)

I also sometimes wonder how Maksim looks so good...I guess its a Russian thing...who knows.

Anyhow, she apparently pulls it off by sharing her food with her daughter and by singing lullabies to her before her sleep (I don't know how that keeps you in shape...I guess she does all sorts of dances to keep her entertained as well...haha I just pictured Maksim breakdancing...odd).

So these are a couple of updates on Maksim...however inaccurate they may be, they are still updates nonetheless. As soon as I get a reply from the site giving me possibly more information, or correcting anything I may have said wrong, I will be putting it up here.


Good Morning Russia!

I'm sorry this is a bit late, but bear with me here as Russian is not at all even relatively close to my native tongue and the information I bring you is not easy to come by.

So, once again according to (they are a great source of information), on April 7th, Maksim appeared on the program "Доброе утро, Россия!" (“good morning, Russia!” for the non-Russian speaking people out there) for the first time since she gave birth to her daughter.

Unfortunately for you I cannot understand the rest of the article on this issue besides the fact that they spoke of a new video she appears in with some Russian rapper dude, Небо засыпай, which you can see here:

If you can read Russian...( Then WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING ON THIS kidding :) ), then you can read the article here:

Monday, April 13, 2009

Music player

I have added a music player with songs from Maksim on the bottom of the page. It will play songs at random when you visit the website. If you have special requests for which songs you'd like me to put or if you think I should change/remove it, please let me know. Feel free to comment. :D

Ps: I know that some of the songs (actually most of them) aren't the full versions but rather small samples. I do not want to violate any copyright infringement so I will not be posting the whole songs. They are just to give you a taste of Maksim so as to make your browsing of this page more pleasant. Moreover, the shorter the clips, the more songs you get to listen to, right? And who doesn't want to hear the most songs from Maksim? That was a rhetorical question. :)

One more thing: some of the songs have weird titles that make no sense such as "çélâ". If you would like to know the titles of those songs, please send me a message and I will give them to you. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Update on Maksim pics

I've added a few pics of Maksim to the slideshow. However, unfortunately photobucket will not allow more than 50 pictures per slideshow. Therefore, if you want to see more of the Maksim pictures I posted, you can click on the "View all" button which appears at the bottom right of the slideshow.

You can also contact me via the chatbox, to the right, or the "contact-me-box" on the bottom of this page if ever you have difficulty finding your way to the pictures.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Castle in the forest

This is just an image I found on the net that I thought looked really neat (It gets bigger if you click on it):

New video

Remember the song I liked most of Maksim? I mentioned it in her biography...It was called Ne Otdam (не отдам, in Russian). Anyhow, there is a brand new music video that just came out for it and I'd like to share it with you. It comes form the fan site . At some points in the video the sound may seem distorted...this is normal, it is not your hearing that is the problem as I hear the distortion as well. I do not know the purpose for this but its still an awesome song, awesome video and classic Maksim stuff! Besides, she's more gorgeous than ever in this video.
Without further ado, *Drum roll*, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you...the video:

I apologize, the video seems to have been removed due to copyright infringment. Ill try to find it again and post it as soon as I can.
Sorry for the inconvenience.


Thursday, March 26, 2009


I made a new slideshow which I added to the right side of the site (which is now on top of the page). This contains pictures of Maksim, which I will be constantly updating. I hope you like them. Please feel free to leave any comments. (To see it in bigger, please click on the title of this post: "Slideshow").

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Maksim's official channel

Here is Maksim's official channel on youtube in case you wanted to connect with her or just watch new videos by her. I strongly recommend for you to subscribe to this channel as it is a great way to get the most recent updates concerning videos she releases. :D Here it is: (Or, if you click on the title, it will forward you to the site :D)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Giselle in Disney's Enchanted

According to a reliable source, it turns out that in the Disney movie "Enchanted", the character Giselle, played by Amy Adams in the English version is actually voiced by Maksim in the Russian version :D. Here is a clip of the movie where Maksim sings one of the songs quite beautifully :) :

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Maksim...a daughter?

Apparently, a few weeks ago, Marina Maksimova, Russian superstar also known as Maksim, gave birth to a daughter by the name Aleksandra Alekseyevna. More news and updates to come. I will post pics and info as soon as i find it. :D
Meanwhile... Congratulations to Maksim!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Woman, The Legend

Maksim, also known as Marina Maksimova Abrosimova (Марина Максимова) is a young Russian singer. She was born on June 10th, 1984 (she revealed that she was born on 10th day of Summer in a publication in a website) in the city of Kazan of the Tatarstan Republic in southern Russia. This means she is presently 24 years old.

More than just a singer, Marina is also a great songwriter and sports enthusiast. That second aspect of her life comes from the influence of her family. In fact, her father being a volleyball coach, her older brother a speed-skater, and her mother also working in the sports field, it's no wonder that Maksim was herself a very strong sportswoman. As a martial art, she studied Karate for many years.

She wrote her first song at the age of 7 and it was about war. Very impressive from a girl of her age. In fact, not only did she write songs, but she also composed poems.
Marina first performed at the age of 14. She is a big fan of british and american rock bands such as Deep Purple and Pink Floyd.
While studying at school, she took part in many talent shows and came to be known as a "Teen star". At these talent shows, she would perform songs by well known singers such as: Celine Dion (well known french-canadian singer from Quebec, Canada), Mariah Carey (American star), Whitney Houston (American star) and Janna Aguzarova (Russian legend) in a way that she captivated that croud.

Not only is she a pretty face with musical talent, but also, at a young age, Maksim also showed great talent in sports and was somewhat a tomboy as previously mentionned. Never did she think at that point that she would make it as far as she is today in the music field.
She grew famous thanks to friends of hers who secretly sent a CD of her songs to GALA records company (a big player in Russian music production). Her voice immediately persuaded GALA records to "take Maksim in" and make her a star. It came to be that Maksim signed a professional contract with GALA records.

Later on in the year 2006, her album "Trudnyj Vozrast" ("Difficult Age") (see the video of it here:, typically referring to the ages of 11 until 18, sold out for about 500 000 copies. Maksim then released a video for the same hit which was on the top charts on MTV. For 18 weeks her song "Nezhnost" ("Tenderness") held the first place as the best song on pop Russian Radio.

My personal favorite song by Maksim is Ne Otdam. Here it is: